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Documents and Deliverables

Additional Information

All documents, reports, maps, and drafts produced as a part of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan process are housed here.

FINAL: Clarksville and Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan

Link: Clarksville Montgomery County Comprehensive Plan 03-26-2024

This document will be presented to the RPC this month at the March 26th meeting for consideration.

Draft Plan Open Houses

During the third week of January the RPC held three Open Houses to introduce, discuss and gather feedback from the public on the draft plan.

Tuesday, 23rd January 2024, 5:30 PM to 07:30 PM

Wednesday, 24th January 2024, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Saturday, 27th January 2024, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


The Existing Conditions Report

The Existing Conditions Report is a snap-shot in time of where Clarksville and Montgomery County is today and some of the trends and trajectories that lead to this point. While this report is not policy it will establish a base line of information that will inform the final Comprehensive Plan. The data within the report may need to be updated periodically to reflect current conditions, however, general trajectories that inform plan policy should remain largely consistent until a Comprehensive Plan update is commissioned (typically every six to ten years).

Key Topics:

  • Past Plans and Studies Overview
  • Market Analysis and Demographics
  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Parks and Open Spaces
  • Community Facilities and Infrastructure
  • Parks and Open Space

Link: Existing Conditions Report 

Visioning Workshop Summary

During the summer (2022), the RPC hosted a Visioning Workshop series located at venues throughout the City. Participants were grouped at small tables and asked to draw on maps of the City and County locations for residential, commercial, industrial, and open space uses. Participants were also asked to identify where potential transportation improvements could be located.  The following summarizes public feedback from these workshops.

Link: Visioning Workshop Summary

Kick-off Summary

During the spring the RPC held a three day kick-off event, meeting with elected and appointed officials, a citizen committee, City and County Department heads, and key stakeholder focus groups. Participants were asked to identify issues and opportunities facing Clarksville and Montgomery County for the Comprehensive Plan to address. The following is a link summarizing the feedback from this event.

Link: Kick-off Summary